Pucking My Best Friend's Brother: An Second Chance Small Town Romance by Livvy Stone

Pucking My Best Friend's Brother: An Second Chance Small Town Romance by Livvy Stone

Author:Livvy Stone [Stone, Livvy]
Language: eng
Format: epub
Publisher: anonymous
Published: 2024-02-07T00:00:00+00:00



The chill of the night air hits me as I step out of the dimly lit bar. It's been one of those evenings, the kind where the air is thick with tension and the inevitable clash is palpable. Zane has become a persistent thorn in my side. He’s gotten into yet another fight tonight. Another moment where I have to go to talk to the police and the injured parties to get him out of the media shitstorm this could become.

This is just the latest episode in a series of incidents that have threatened the cohesion of the team.

I sigh, a heavy weight settling on my shoulders as I contemplate the repercussions of the night's events. Zane's fiery temper, his inclination for trouble— it's a toxic mix that I've been grappling with for too long. The decision is clear, even if it's not one I relished making. Zane had to be suspended again, for the sake of the team and the discipline that defines our dynamics.

As I make my way back to my car, the familiar vibration of my phone interrupts the silence. The caller ID reveals the name I've come to dread—Loughlin. I answer, steeling myself for the impending storm.

"Drake," Loughlin's voice cuts through the air, a mixture of frustration and impatience. "I just got wind of Zane's little brawl at the bar. Care to explain why your star player can't seem to stay out of trouble?"

I take a deep breath, the chill in the air matching the icy tone of our conversation. "Zane's behavior is becoming a liability. I've suspended him to address the issue and maintain discipline within the team."

There's a pause on the other end, a pregnant silence that foreshadows the storm brewing. Loughlin's voice, when it finally comes, is laced with an edge of menace. "Drake, you're skating on thin ice here. Zane is the best player you’ve got, and the team needs him on the ice. If you can't handle this, maybe it's time for me to replace you with a partner who can."

The threat hangs in the air, a subtle reminder of the power dynamics at play. I grit my teeth, the frustration bubbling beneath the surface. "I'm trying to build a team that operates with discipline and integrity. Zane's actions go against that. I can't compromise the values of the team for the sake of one player."

His laughter on the other end is a grating sound, the arrogance of someone who sees players as pawns in a game of power. "You're in over your head if you think you can prioritize values over results. I'm not interested in moral victories. Get Zane back on the ice, or I'll find someone who can deliver the wins I need."

The call ends, leaving me standing in the quiet night, a storm of conflicting emotions raging within. Zane's antics have become a reflection of the power struggles off the ice, a battle for control and dominance that threatens to overshadow the very essence of the sport we all love.


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